The Importance of Stage Design - Part 2

In Part 1, you learned about the importance of stage design from a branding perspective. To quickly recap, incorporating your brand into your event design establishes and reinforces your company’s identity. It provides meaning and helps align all aspects of your business and company culture. Plus it tells your attendees that you’ve given good consideration to create the right environment. Now let’s talk about the other elements of stage design.

Enliven Your Event

The idea that everyone wants to give their attendees something to talk about during and after an event, and to heighten their anticipation for the next event, remains true. The right buzz can strengthen your brand, bolster loyalty, transform your company’s culture, and boost your future attendance. You don’t have to blow the lid off your event attendees’ expectations, but, as they say, every little bit helps.

Engage Your Attendees - Part 2

In Part 1, we talked about how to engage your attendees before your event happens. Now let’s talk about how to effectively engage them on site and even after they are back home. Because no matter the event type – award ceremony, user conference, product launch, networking or education – clearly delivering your message depends on your attendees being engaged on site and afterwards.